Truly it is worthy and just... eternal God: Who didst exalt Thy most blessed Confessor Joseph with such great merits of his virtues, that by the wondrous gift of Thy grace, he merited to be made the Spouse of the most holy Virgin Mary, and be thought the father of Thy only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Wherefore, venerating the day of his birth unto heaven with due devotion, we ask for Thy ineffable grace, that with the help of so excellent a Patron, we may please Thee with the pure service of mind and body, and be joined everlastingly to the same Thy Son, the Spouse of our souls. Whom together with Thee, almighty Father, and the Holy Spirit, the Angels praise... (The Ambrosian Preface for the feast of St Joseph.)
Vere quia dignum et justum est... aeterne Deus. Qui tantis virtutum meritis beatissimum Confessorem tuum Joseph sublimasti; ut sanctissimae Virginis Mariae Sponsus effici admirabili tuae gratiae dono mereretur: atque unigeniti Filii tui Jesu Christi Domini nostri Pater putaretur. Quapropter natalitium ejus diem debita devotione venerantes, ineffabilem tuam gratiam postulamus; ut tam excellentis patroni suffragio, pura mentis et corporis servitute tibi placeamus; atque eidem Filio tuo, animarum nostrarum sponso, perpetuo copulemur. Quem una tecum, omnipotens Pater, et cum Spirito Sancto laudant Angeli...