The Way of Beauty - Spirituality for Creatives and Creativity for All
March 11th, 6pm at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 423 S Broadway, Tyler, Texas
Reception to follow across the street at the Stabat Mater Atelier
Next Tuesday evening, I will give a talk at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler, Texas,on The Way of Beauty - Spirituality for Creatives and Creativity for All.
When an artisan (artist) practices his art well, he is practising virtue, participating in God’s ongoing creative work, and contributing to a beautiful contemporary culture. That culture, mundane or sacred, is Christian to the degree that it bears the mark of divine beauty.This talk will describe the core principles of such a formation, and discuss how they can be applied today to art education at any level and, more broadly, to any human activity, so that all of us can contribute gracefully and beautifully to the evangelization of contemporary culture.
In his short presentation about the New Evangelization, Pope Benedict XVI wrote that we must cultivate the art of joyful living to draw people to the faith. The Way of Beauty is a formation that enables us to do just that: when we make beautiful choices, we follow the guiding light of divine beauty which is a source of joy, and draw others onto the same path.