On Saturday, February 1st, the Oxford-based early music group Antiquum Documentum sang a celebration of Candlemas according to the Use of Sarum at the Anglican church of Great St Bartholomew in London. The church’s YouTube channel has posted a video of the complete ceremony; our thanks to Antiquum Documentum for sharing these pictures with us as well. We have previously shared a video which they made of Vespers and Compline in the Sarum Rite for the feast of St Cecilia.
The beginning of the liturgy; as in many medieval uses, the blessing of the candles and the procession are done white (or gold) vestments, rather than in violet as in the Roman Use.
The chant is led by four ministers in cope, called the “rectors chori - the rulers of the choir”; this custom or something like it was also observed in many other medieval uses of the Roman Rite.
The blessing of candles at the Lady Altar.
The procession.
The prayers at the foot of the altar: notice the acolyte in tunicle, and that they are kneeling, rather than bowing.
The acolytes standing with their candles outside the sanctuary, with the verger between them.
At the Introit.
As in many other medieval uses, including that of the Dominicans, the chalice is presented to the celebrant at the sedilia to be filled while the Gloria in excelsis is sung...
and then brought to the altar by the subdeacon.
The Gospel sung in the middle of the nave, a custom which is also kept in many churches of the Ordinariate Rite.
The sermon.
As in nearly all medieval uses except for that of Rome, the celebrant stretches his hands out in the form of a cross after the Consecration.
Genuflection at the last Gospel.
A final salute to the Virgin at the Lady Altar before the recessional.