Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Feast of St Peter’s Chair 2025

Truly it is worthy and just, right and profitable to salvation to praise Thee, o God, who art wondrous in thy Saints, and in them hast greatly been glorified. Though them adorning the sacred body of Thine only-begotten Son, by them Thou didst lay the foundations of Thy Church, which Thou didst found among the Patriarchs, prepare in the Prophets, and establish in the Apostles. From their number the blessed Peter, who was the first because of the confession of Thine only-begotten Son, and called to the office of an Apostle by the mouth of the Lord our God Himself, Thy very word, and his name being changed, was established as the foundation of Thy house, even him didst Thou make the protector and guardian of the gates of heaven, having granted to him the divine right, that what he should establish upon the earth, should be kept also in heaven. In his honor and glory today we keep this feast unto Thy majesty, and offer the sacrifice of thanks and praise, through Christ our Lord… (An ancient preface for the feast of St Peter’s Chair.)

St Peter, by the Sienese painter Simone Martini (1284 ca. - 1344), 1326. 
VD: Te laudare mirabilem Deum in sanctis tuis, in quibus glorificatus es vehementer. Per ipsos Unigeniti tui sacrum corpus exornans, et in ipsis Ecclesiae tuae fundamenta constituisti, quam in Patriarchis fundasti, in Prophetis preparasti, in Apostolis condidisti. Ex quibus beatum Petrum, ob confessionem Unigeniti Filii tui principem, per os ipsius Domini Dei nostri Verbi tui vocatum in apostolatum, et immutato nomine, confirmatum in fundamentum domus tuae, caelestium claustrorum praesulem custodemque fecisti, divino ei jure concesso, ut quae statuisset in terris, servarentur in caelis. Cujus honore vel gloria hodie majestati tuae haec festa persolvimus, et gratiarum ac laudis hostiam immolamus. Per Christum...

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