The Bridgettine nuns once prayed, every Sunday, a specialized Office in honor of the Holy Ghost. Its arrangement is more complete than that of most Little Offices, but less complete than that of the most famous and widely used, the Little Office of the Virgin Mary. All the Hours are present, with most their constitutive parts (antiphon, psalm, chapter, hymn, versicle, oration, etc.), but Matins has neither readings nor responsories.
Presumably both for ease of memorization and for intensity of devotion, the Veni Creator Spiritus is used as the hymn for every hour, and the same chapter, from Romans 5, is also repeated. The other parts vary, and all are in service of highlighting the mystery of the Holy Spirit’s presence, operation, and fecundity in the Church.
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Presumably both for ease of memorization and for intensity of devotion, the Veni Creator Spiritus is used as the hymn for every hour, and the same chapter, from Romans 5, is also repeated. The other parts vary, and all are in service of highlighting the mystery of the Holy Spirit’s presence, operation, and fecundity in the Church.
I will present images of the pages in groups of three. The entire PDF may be downloaded here.
Extracted from the Breviarium Birgittinum published in Rome in 1908.
Extracted from the Breviarium Birgittinum published in Rome in 1908.