Monday, January 13, 2025

Anglican Sarum Mass in London on Candlemas Eve

On Saturday, February 1st, the eve of Candlemas, the Oxford-based early music group Antiquum Documentum will hold a celebration of “Mass” according to the Use of Sarum at the Anglican church of Great St Bartholomew. The ceremony will begin at 7:00pm; the church is located on W. Smithfield, City of London (Cloth Fair.) - UPDATE: In my distraction over something else, I originally posted this as a celebration of Vespers; my apologies to the organizers.

Just under a year ago, we posted a video which they made of Vespers and Compline in the Sarum Use for the feast of St Cecilia, at the famous St Mary’s, where Oxford University began, and where St John Henry Newman began serving as vicar in 1828, earning his reputation as one of the great preachers of his time.

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