Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Gregorian Chants Every Catholic Should Know: A Conference for Catholic Music Educators

Gregorian Chants Every Catholic Should Know:
Handing on a Core Repertory of Sacred Music to Youth,
50 Years after Jubilate Deo
A Virtual Conference for Catholic Music Educators, October 18-19, 2024
Will you hand on the Catholic Faith through the Treasury of Sacred Music?

In 1974, Pope Paul VI sent every bishop and head of a religious order in the world a small collection of Gregorian chants entitled Jubilate Deo.

This booklet contained a “minimum repertoire” of plainchant that he wished every Catholic in the world to know, with the aim of fulfilling the mandate of paragraph 54 of Sacrosanctum Concilium: “...steps must be taken to ensure that the faithful are able to chant together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.

50 years later, the handing on of this treasury of sacred music remains largely unrealized.

Will you join us in making it a reality?

Learn what, how, when, and why to do it in an online conference for music educators, featuring talks by 12 Catholics who will inspire you and equip you with tools you can use to hand on our Catholic faith by teaching young people to sing the Gregorian chants of the Church.

More Information and Registration Available at:

Registration Options
•    All-Access Live, via Zoom - $60.00
•    All-Access Live, via Zoom PLUS Archived Access - $100.00
•    Friday, Oct. 18th Only, Live Access via Zoom - $40.00
•    Saturday, Oct. 19th Only, Live Access via Zoom - $40.00

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