Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Conference and Music Premiere in Honor of Bl. Karl of Austria, October 18-20, in Washington, DC

We are very glad to share this message from Catholic composer Paul Jernberg, regarding a conference and musical premiere which he will host in Washington, D.C. in October in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. (Click images to enlarge and to use the QR codes.) 

It is a joy for me to let you know about, and invite you to, a great conference which I have been helping to organize. It will be held October 18-20 in Washington, DC, on the theme of “Blessed Karl of Austria - A Light for Our Times". The conference will feature many inspirational speakers, and beautiful choral and orchestral music in honor of this saint, including the premiere of my Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl.
For lots more information and registration, visit magnificatinstitute.org/dc-conference.
The idea for this new composition, and for this conference, began with my “coincidental” meeting with the great-grandson of Blessed Karl a couple of years ago. The more I read about him and his wife Zita, the more I was inspired by their radiant model of great leadership - characterized not by the desire for power, but by the pursuit of wisdom and a faithful, self-sacrificial love for his people.
It would be wonderful if you could join us in DC in October! But whether or not you are able to be there in person, please pray for us as we seek to share the light of Blessed Karl’s life and legacy with a broad audience from throughout the US and abroad!

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