Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Particularly Beautiful Altar Missal from 1863 (Part 2)

Following up on a post from Tuesday, here are some more photographs of a very beautiful altar missal which is owned by the church of St John Cantius in Chicago, Illinois. It was printed by the Pustet firm, based in Regensburg, Germany, in 1863, and is remarkable not only for the very large number of images, but the fact that they are in color. (I own a two-volume lectionary which was part of the same print run, and which has many of the same images, but all in black-and-white.) Several of these pictures appeared on his Substack Tradition and Sanity a few days ago; I thank him for letting us reproduce them here. (There are definitely enough of these to make more than one post.)

These are predominantly taken from the Proper of the Saints, and most of the images are illuminated letters at the beginning of the Introits. They are arranged here in liturgical order, except for the first, which is that of today’s feast of the Assumption. 
The introduction to the proper of the Saints. 
St Andrew the Apostle, November 30
St Thomas the Apostle, December 21
Pope St Marcellus I, January 16
Ss Marius, Martha, Audifax and Abbacum, a group of martyrs celebrated on January 19.
St Agnes, January 21
The Purification, February 2
St Titus, the disciple of St Paul, February 6
St Matthias the Apostle, February 24
The Forty Martyrs, a group of soldiers martyred at Sebaste in Armenia, March 10
St Joseph, March 19
The Annunciation, March 25
The feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary on Passion Friday
Pope St Leo I, April 11
Pope St Anicetus, April 17
St Mark the Evangelist, April 25
Saint Monica, May 4
The Apparition of St Michael, May 8
Ss Peter and Paul, June 29
The Visitation, July 2
St Vincent de Paul, July 19
St James the Apostle, July 25
St Anne, July 26
St Ignatius of Loyola, July 31
The Beheading of St John the Baptist, August 29
The Birth of the Virgin, September 8
The Holy Name of Mary, formerly celebrated on the Sunday within the octave of the Birth of the Virgin, later fixed to September 12.
The vigil of St Andrew, November 29

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