Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Chicago Eucharistic Congress of 1926

Since a Eucharistic Congress just concluded in Indianapolis, and was by all accounts very successful, our readers might be interested to see these two newsreels from a similar congress held in Chicago in 1926, so long ago that moving pictures still did no have sound! From the always interesting archives of British Pathé.

And here is a photograph of the first general meeting, at which a Solemn Pontifical Mass was celebrated by His Eminence Giovanni Cardinal Bonzano, the papal delegate to the conference. (From 1912-22, he had been the Apostolic Delegate to the United States, the office which is now that of the nuncio; he passed away about a year later.) The Mass was sung by 60,000 parochial school children at Soldiers’ Field in Chicago on June 21, 1926.

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