Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fr John Berg Elected Superior General of the FSSP

The General Chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, which is currently being held at Our Lady of Guadalupe International Seminary in Denton, Nebraska, has elected Fr John Berg as Superior General for a third (non-consecutive) term of 6 years; he previously held the office from 2006-18. The election of the Assistants and Counselors will follow in the next few days. NLM is pleased to congratulate Fr Berg and the Fraternity, as we urge all of our readers to continually remember the leadership of all the traditional rite groups and orders in their prayers.

Born in the United States in 1970, Fr Berg studied philosophy at Thomas Aquinas College in California, and theology at the FSSP’s International Seminary of St. Peter in Wigratzbad, Germany; he holds a licentiate from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Ordained a priest in 1997, he was a professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. After serving as Superior General of the Fraternity from 2006-18, for the past six years he returned to parochial work as the pastor of the Fraternity’s parishes in Providence, Rhode Island, and Omaha, Nebraska.

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