Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Photopost Request: Corpus Christi 2024

Our next major photopost will be for the feast of Corpus Christi, whether celebrated tomorrow or on Sunday; please send your photos to, and be sure to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important. As always, we are very glad to receive images of celebrations in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Form, or the Ordinariate Use, as well as Vespers and other parts of the Office. Feel free to send in other events recently celebrated at your church such as Pentecost or first Masses.

Last year, this series got up to a record-smashing six posts, and the sixth post somehow became the single most viewed post ever on our Facebook page, by a gigantic margin. Let’s see if we can match or even beat that, as we keep up the good work of evangelizing through beauty!

From the first Corpus Christi photopost of last yearthe first Corpus Christi photopost of last year: the procession from the Oxford Oratory makes a station at the church of their Dominican neighbors at Blackfriars.

From the second post: Adoration at the church of the Annunciation in Imperia, Italy.

From the third post: night-time procession from the cathedral basilica of Nossa Senhora do Pilar, in São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil, sent in by one of our most faithful contributors, Mr João Melo.

From the fourth post, a special edition dedicated to just the city of London: a station at the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Exile.

From the fifth post: the annual streets-of-New-York shot by the mighty Mr Arrys Ortañez, at the procession from the church of the Holy Innocents.

From the sixth post: Adoration before the procession at the abbey of St Bernard in Cullman, Alabama, celebrated by then newly-ordained Fr Paschal Pautler.

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