Truly it is worthy and just, right and profitable to salvation to praise, to bless and proclaim Thee, o Lord, at every time, but especially on this day, since Christ our Pasch has been sacrificed. Through whom the sons of light rise unto eternal life, the doors of the heavenly courts are opened to the faithful, and by the law of blessed exchange, human things are changed for divine. For the death of us all is destroyed by the death of Christ, and in His Resurrection, the life of all has risen. And we recognize Him as God in the taking on of mortality, and in the glory of divinity confess him as God and man; Who by dying destroyed our death, and by rising restored our life, Jesus Christ, our Lord. And therefore, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Thrones and Dominations, and with all the army of the heavenly host, we sing the hymn to the glory, saying without end: Holy… (An ancient preface for the Mass of Easter.)
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The Resurrection of Christ, 1490/5, by Domenico Ghirlandaio and workshop. |
TO all our readers, to your families and friends, we wish you an Easter filled with every joy and blessing in the Risen Lord – He is truly risen!