Monday, August 14, 2023

Photopost Request: Assumption 2023

Our next photopost series will be for tomorrow’s feast of the Assumption; please send your photos of celebrations to for inclusion, and be sure to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important. As always, we are very glad to include photographs of Massess in any rite, as well as Vespers and other parts of the Divine Office, blessings, processions, the vigil Mass etc. Evangelize through beauty!
From last year’s first Assumption photopost: His Excellency J. Mark Spalding, bishop of Nashville, Tennessee, preached and celebrated solemn Benediction, followed by a procession in which the Litany of Loreto was sung around the neighborhood, at the church of the Assumption for its titular feast. (Ceremonies are being done in a temporary chapel due to damage from a tornado in March 2020.)
From the second post, the annual Assumption Mass at the cathedral basilica of Ss Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, organized by Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church in Berlin, New Jersey.

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