Once again, we are profoundly grateful to Mrs Sharon Kabel for sharing one of her wonderful research projects with NLM. This time, she has made a collection of historical images of the high altar and choir of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, enough that we can make two posts of them. In its long history, as she rightly notes, “The high altar and the choir of Notre Dame have gone through several drastic changes, all of which drew strong and mixed reactions when they happened, and in ensuing decades.” I am sure that a good number of our readers will agree with me that the new arrangement installed by King Louis XIV (1699-1714) would have been worthy in and of itself for a new church of its era, but that in Notre-Dame, was not an improvement over the medieval arrangement. But I am equally sure that any of the arrangements we see here would be an improvement over the truly awful new liturgical furnishings which the archdiocese of Paris recently revealed, so hopefully, these images will also provide inspiration for a future dewreckovation.
This first part covers images up to the beginning of the Revolution; the second will cover the period from 1790 to April, 2019.
The high altar in 1703. (Pierre Lepautre and Robert de Cotte. Paris, cathédrale Notre-Dame: élévation du maître-autel de laditte église, tel qu’il est présentement, esquisse pour le projet définitif et variantes. 1703. Bibliothèque nationale de France.
A Mass at the high altar in 1709 (Jean-Baptiste Jouvenet (1644-1717). 1709. Mass Said by the Canon de La Porte, or the High Altar of Notre-Dame de Paris. painting. Place: Musée du Louvre, Paris, France.
The funeral of the Queen of Sardinia in 1735. (Charles-Nicolas Cochin and Rene de Bonneval. Pompe funèbre de Polixène de Hesse-Rhinfels, reine de Sardaigne, en l’Eglise de Notre Dame de Paris, le XXIVe mars MDCCXXXV. 1735. Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, collections Jacques Doucet.

A funeral Mass for King Philip V of Spain, the second son of King Louis XIV’s eldest son, in 1746. (Pompe funèbre de Philipe de France, Roy d’Espagne et des Indes, V. du nom, en l’église de Notre Dame de Paris, le XV décembre M.D.CCXLVI (Funeral of Philip V of Spain in the church of Notre Dame, Paris, December 15, 1746); Designed by Sébastien-Antoine Slodtz (French, 1695-1754), Paul-Ambroise Slodtz (French, 1702-58); Engraved by Charles Nicolas Cochin the younger (1715-90); Published by Menus-Plaisirs du Roi; France; etching and engraving on paper; Purchased for the Museum by the Advisory Council; 1921-6-205-11.
Three others from 1759. (Louis-Joseph Mondhare. Vue interieur de l’Eglise Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris. Vers 1759-84. Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, collections Jacques Doucet.
From 1784 (Jean-Francois Janinet. Vue de l’intérieur de l’église de Notre-Dame à Paris. 1784-93? Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris.
A Mass in 1787 (Jacques-Simon Chéreau. Messe solennelle celebrée par M.gr l’archevesque au m.tre autel de l’eglise de Notre Dame de Paris. Inventé par B. Picard. Between 1787 and 1805. Collections numérisées de la bibliothèque de l’INHA.
Benediction in 1789. (Berthault, Pierre Gabriel, Etcher, and François Louis Prieur. Bénédiction des drapeaux de la Garde Nationale Parisienne a Notre Dame, le 27 Septembre/ Prieur inv. & del.; Berthault sculp. Paris France, 1804. [Paris: Chez Auber] Photograph.