Truly it is worthy ... eternal God: who allowest not Thy Church, that standeth fast in the preaching of Thy blessed Apostle Paul, to be injured by any deception. For nothing is deemed to abide in the true religion that agreeth not with his teaching, who today became a chosen vessel, and whom, having changed his name to Paul, Thou didst make the Master and teacher of the gentiles. Through Christ our Lord, through whom the Angels praise Thy majesty... (The Ambrosian preface for the Conversion of St Paul.)
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The Conversion of St Paul, 1600-1, by Michelangelo Merisi (1571-1610), better known as Caravaggio, a native of Milan. This is one of two versions by him, also known as the Odescalchi Conversion, to distinguish it from the better known version in the Cerasi Chapel of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome. (Public domain image from Wikimedia Commons.) |
Vere quia dignum... aeterne Deus: Qui Ecclesiam tuam in Beati Apóstoli tui Pauli praedicatióne constantem, nulla sinis fallacia violári: quia nihil in vera religióne manére censétur, quod ejus non convénerit disciplínæ: quem hodie Vas factum electiónis, Magistrum et Doctórem gentium, mutáto in Paulum nómine, constituisti. Per Christum Dóminum, per quem majestátem tuam laudant Angeli...