Our second Assumption photopost of this year shows the splendid variety and richness of our Catholic liturgical tradition: processions, blessings, the Divine Office, the Glagolitic liturgy, and a new Mass composed for the feast of St Jean-Marie Vianney, and the Maronite tradition, and a newly composed setting for the Mass used for the very first time. All for the greater glory of God, and the sanctification of His children! As always, we thank everyone who sent these in, contributing to the good work of evangelizing through beauty.
Cathedral of Nossa Senhora do Pilar – São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
From August 5-13, a solemn novena is kept in preparation for the feast; on the 14th, the image of Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte (Our Lady of Good Death) is exposed the veneration of the faithful during the day, and the Vigil Mass of the Assumption is celebrated at night. After the Mass, the image leaves the church in procession, and is then symbolically buried. On the 15th, a Pontifical Mass is celebrated in the morning, in the afternoon a Solemn Mass, followed by a Procession with Our Lady of the Assumption and Our Lady of Glory being Crowned by the Holy Trinity, followed by the Te Deum and Benediction.
Brothers of the Little Oratory – San Diego, California
First Vespers of the Assumption
S. Nikola Tavelić – Melbourne, Australia
Mass om the feast of Ss Cyril and Methodius, celebrated with the Glagolitic Missal.
Cathedral Basilica of Ss Peter and Paul – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Annual Assumption Mass organized by Mater Ecclesiae Parish in Berlin, New Jersey. Photos courtesy of one of our favorite photographers, Allison Girone, her son John, following in his mother’s illustrious footsteps, and another assistant, Regina Jelski. (See more of their excellent work on Instagram: @latinmassphotographer.)
Yes, of course, tradition will always be for the young!
Our Lady of the Valley – Easthampton, Massachusetts
Blessing of herbs and flowers for the Assumption.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon – North Jackson, Ohio
Sacred Heart Catholic Church – Texarkana, Texas
Votive Mass of St John Vianney, with His Excellency Joseph Strickland, bishop of Tyler, attending in choir present, celebrated for all the priests of the Diocese of Tyler. The church’s music director, Marc-Andre Bougie, composed this original Mass setting for orchestra and voice and directed it in the context of this solemn Mass at our parish.