Last year, with the winter upsurge of the pandemic, we had fairly few photopost submissions for Christmas and Epiphany, and were able to include everything for both feasts in just two posts. This year, with a measure of sanity slowly returning to the world, we had a good increase with Christmas, and so hopefully, we will have more for Epiphany as well, and can do them separately. Please send your pictures of liturgies celebrated on the Epiphany, whether in the OF or the EF, or any of the Eastern Rites, Ordinariate Use, etc. to, and don’t forget to include the name of the church and its location, along with any other information you think worth noting. As always, we will be very glad to include other liturgical ceremonies such as the Proclamation of the Movable Feasts, the blessing of the waters, of chalk etc. Evangelize through beauty!
From our first Epiphany photopost of 2020, solemn Mass of the Epiphany at the church of St Mary in Kalamazoo, Michigan.The chalking of the doors at the church of St Catherine of Siena in Trumbull, Connecticut.
From the second post, the proclamation of the movable feasts at St Mary’s on Broadway, the FSSP church in Providence, Rhode Island.
The Entrance during Vespers on the Eve of the Theophany at St John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota; this is one of the relatively few Vespers which includes a Gospel reading, so the priest carries both the censer and the Gospel book at this procession.