Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Photopost Reminder for December

We are only in the middle of the first week of Advent, and I am already seeing pictures of Rorate Masses on social media, and notices of upcoming events for the rest of the month, so I thought it might be a good idea to put out a distant-early-warning photopost request. As we do every year, we will have a photopost series for Rorate Masses, with which we will also include photos of Gaudete Sunday liturgies, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is one week from today, and any other liturgies which people care to share with us. Please send them to, and remember to include the name and location of the church, and any other information which you think important. May you all have a most blessed and peaceful Advent as we prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas.

A Rorate Mass at the church of Ss Andrew the Apostle and Albert Chmielowski in Warsaw, Poland, a country where the Rorate Mass is extremely popular, and in many churches, celebrated every day of Advent. In accordance with a local custom, an additional candle is placed at the center of the altar, symbolizing Our Lady, the Morning Star, who preceded the rising of Christ, the Sun of Wisdom. (Courtesy of the Schola Cantorum Beati Vladislai)

The Lady altar of the Oratory of St Francis de Sales, the Institute of Christ the King’s church in St Louis, Missouri, beautifully decorated for a novena of preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception. (Courtesy of Mr Patrick McCoy.)

A Rorate Mass at Holy Innocents in New York City, courtesy of Mr Arrys Ortañez.

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