For convenience, here are the links to the preceding roundups:
- “Roundup of Major Reactions to Traditionis Custodes” (last version published July 22)
- “Continuing the List of Articles on Traditionis Custodes” (July 23)
- “Further Articles on the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes” (July 28)
After today, although I’m quite confident people will continue to write (and to write well) about the motu proprio, I will — for my own sanity, and in order to move on to other topics and projects — no longer gather them into lists like this.
July 17
Urban Hannon, “Letter to a Friend” (The Lamp)
July 19
Matthew Schmitz, “Francis Reverses Benedict’s Legacy” (The American Conservative) [Not sure how I missed this excellent piece!]
“LifeSite journalists react to ‘cruel,’ ‘hateful’ new motu proprio restricting Latin Mass” (LifeSite News)
July 22
Michael Hamill, “All in the Family” (The Lamp)
Cardinals Burke and Müller discuss the motu proprio (EWTN)
The Latin Mass & Correcting the Pope w/ Msgr Charles Pope (Pints with Aquinas)
July 23
Philippa Martyr: “So, what about the new Mass?” [Author laments that nothing has really been done to correct the bad celebration of the NOM after fifty years—and then expresses a hope that finally we will do something about it. Naivete, meet dictionary. It’s as if the author has never read a single deep-level critique of the Bugninian-Montinian liturgical reform.]
July 27
Christopher Carstens, “Guardians of Tradition” (Adoremus Bulletin)
July 28
Bishop Paprocki: “The problem has not been solved, but tensions have been heightened” (Catholic World Report)
Jane Stannus, “The Four Olds and the Embattled Traditional Catholic Mass” (OnePeterFive)
Fr. Marco Testa, “Traditionis Custodes and the Faithful’s Response: Parrhesia” (Catholic Insight)
July 29
Interview with Fr Claude Barthe on Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio (The Blue Flower)
J.D. Flynn, “‘Traditionis custodes’ and unhelpful observations” (The Pillar) [Flynn has been much criticized for his comments. He seems to be unaware that the explicit intention of the motu proprio is the eventual liquidation of part of the Catholic Church and that it is appropriate to respond strongly in self-defense.]
Joseph Shaw, “Replying to JD Flynn (Pillar): Traditionis Custodes and the Authority of the Pope” (Rorate Caeli)
Kennedy Hall, “Can We Love Pope Francis?” (OnePeterFive)
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, “Traditionis custodes and ‘reception theory’ – or – When a law is no law at all” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
Nancy Llewellyn, “Traditionis Custodes vs. St John XXIII” (New Liturgical Movement)
Joseph Shaw, “The Extraordinary Form: a call to arms” (Catholic Herald)
Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, “Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Places New Burden on Bishops, Particularly on Cardinal Gregory” (National Catholic Register)
Maike Hickson, “High-ranking Swiss priest discusses defects of Novus Ordo Mass and the Church’s need to listen to the faithful” (LifeSite News)
July 30
Ross Douthat, “The Latin Mass in the Zero Sum Church” (Reactions)
Peter Kwasniewski, “Transitioning from a Time of Peace to a Time of Struggle” (OnePeterFive)
July 31
Fr John Hunwicke, “Pro forma; from Barchester”
August 1
Gregory DiPippo, “The Revolution Is Over” (New Liturgical Movement)
August 2
Ken Wolfe, “Let them pray in Latin: On the latest edict from Rome” (New York Daily News)
Shaun Blanchard, “Traditionis Custodes Was Never Merely About the Liturgy” (Church Life Journal) [An ideological manifesto for Pope Francis’s regime, which sees T.C. as the crowning achievement of the hard-fought assertion of the authority of Vatican II. Not a surprise from one who applauds the Synod of Pistoia as a council ahead of its time.]
Joseph Shaw, “‘The attempt to suppress the traditional liturgy could mobilize interest in it’: Liturgy professor blasts Traditionis Custodes” (LifeSite News)
Phillip Campbell, “Cardinal Cicognani on Canonical Dissimulation” (Unam Sanctam Catholicam) [An additional tool that bishops have in their toolkit for minimizing the damage of TC.]
Joseph Shaw and Fr. Anthony Ruff, “Two Views on Liturgical Reform: Joseph Shaw (Latin Mass Society) and Anthony Ruff (Pray Tell)” (posted simultaneously at Rorate Caeli and PrayTell) [The divergence of visions here is, in itself, fascinating; Fr. Ruff’s responses are chillingly authoritarian and unilateral, Shaw’s logical and pragmatic]
Jane Pilato, “Why I, an Agnostic, Love the Latin Mass” (Clarifying Catholicism)
Archbishop Thomas E. Gullickson, “It’s all about the Violence: Why would anyone pretending to be of Christ’s Church lash out at the lambs?” (Rorate Caeli)
Fr John Hunwicke, “An Anglican speaks…” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment)
August 3
Fr John Hunwicke, “Could get worse” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment).
Peter Kwasniewski, “The Pope’s Boundenness to Tradition as a Legislative Limit: Replying to Ultramontanist Apologetics” (Rorate Caeli)
Jason Morgan, “Triumph of the Will: The Novus Ordo, RIP” (The Remnant)
Dan Millette, “Do You Have Your Vatican II Passport?” (OnePeterFive)
Fr Hugh Somerville Knapman, “Facing Reality in Liturgy and Authority” (One Foot in the Cloister)
Ruben Peretó Rivas, “Peace-Builder or Pacifier? Some Considerations of Traditionis Custodes and Pope Francis” (New Liturgical Movement)
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, “Mosebach: ‘The vehemence of the motu proprio’s language suggests that this directive has come too late’” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
Interview with Fr. Anthony Ruff, “Do Pope Francis and Pope Benedict disagree about Vatican II and the traditional Latin Mass?” (America) [A most revealing interview, showing the contempt with which the liturgical progressives regard most of the Church’s history and practice of worship]
August 4
Peter Kwasniewski, “Gearing Up for the Long Campaign” (OnePeterFive)
Fr Richard Cipolla, “The Witness of the Laity to the Traditional Roman Mass: The Heart of the Matter” (Rorate Caeli)
August 5
Interview with José Pablo Arias, “A Manifestation of Prayer for the Freedom of the Traditional Mass in Costa Rica” (Paix Liturqique)
Tomasz Dekert, “Traditionis Custodes, or Competing Concepts of Unity” (New Liturgical Movement)
Michael Gonzalez, “Adhering to the Papacy When Popes Go Astray” (Crisis Magazine)
Matt Kappadakunnel, “Be Angry, but Do Not Sin” (Crisis Magazine)
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Among such as these today: future priests for the Latin Mass, long after TC is just a bad memory |