I had thought the flood of writing might abate, but it seems not to have done so. In fact, there is so much now that I have not included everything I’ve seen, if the quality did not seem high enough (I don’t know where they get some of the hack journalists for covering religion!) or if it seemed to add nothing or if it wasn’t sufficiently valuable as a case-study of a liberal or progressive viewpoint.
As always, the inclusion of an article here does not mean we endorse its thesis (if it has one), its conclusions, the website where it appears, or really anything about it. For earlier roundups, see here and here.
July 19
Michael Dunnigan, “Traditionis custodes and the raw data on the Latin Mass” (Catholic World Report)
July 21
Michael Brendan Dougherty, “Pope Francis Takes Aim at the Latin Mass—and His Own Faithful” (National Review)
July 22
Matthew Walther, “Pope Francis, the Latin Mass and My Family” (The Wall Street Journal)
Amy Wellborn, “Rigeo, riges, rigere…” (Catholic World Report)
Daniel McGlone, “In defence of the Traditional Latin Mass” (The Tablet) [A beautiful and moving article that points up the heartlessness of the opponents of the TLM]
July 23
Rita Ferrone, “A Living Catholic Tradition” (Commonweal) [A papal cheerleader manages in a short space to celebrate nearly every error on which the industry of modern liturgical reform is founded; this is what a True Believer in the Great Leap Forward sounds like]
Alexandria Chiasson McCormick, “‘Smile for the Camera!’—In the Name of Unity, An Iron Fist” (OnePeterFive)
Fr. Davide Pagliarani, SSPX: “We offer all ‘the certitude that the Traditional Mass will never disappear from the face of the earth’” [Official statement] (Rorate Caeli)
Fr. Gero Weishaupt, “It is to be hoped that bishops will generously exhaust the legal possibilities of dispensation” (Rorate Caeli)
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, “TRADITION BETRAYED: Diane Montagna Interviews Bishop Schneider on Traditionis Custodes” (The Remnant; later republished at Rorate Caeli)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “Der Fuehrerbefehl” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment) [Brilliant, as ever]
Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, “The Motu Proprio: An Opportunity?” (One Foot in the Cloister)
Peter Feuerherd, “The Latin Mass took off in this North Carolina diocese. What will happen under Pope Francis’ new restrictions?” (America)
Notkerus Balbulus, “Mysterium Mysteriorum: How the Ambrosian Rite Survived Charlemagne” (Canticum Salomonis)
July 24
Jean-Pierre Maugendre, “Francis: The Pope of Rupture” (Rorate Caeli)
Gregory DiPippo, “An Exhortation Against Discouragement, by My Father” (New Liturgical Movement)
Brian Jones, “Opinion: The real void” (Catholic World Report)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “S Pius V and Traditionis Custodes” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment) [A must-read, especially for clergy]
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, “‘Traditionis’: a picture is worth a thousand words. Wherein Fr. Z is deeply moved” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
John Lavenburg, “Documentarian and Latin Mass devotee says, ‘You can’t just squash it’” (Crux)
July 25
José Antonio Ureta, “The Faithful Are Fully Entitled to Defend Themselves Against Liturgical Aggression—Even When It Comes From the Pope” (The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property)
George Neumayer, “The Upside-Down Church” (The American Spectator)
Fr. Albert Marcello, “Sermon for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost: ‘We rightly mourn these attacks on our beloved Roman Rite’” (Rorate Caeli)
A Benedictine Monk, “Sermon for the Feast of St. James, 2021: ‘We will not abandon the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in the traditional form that we have received from our fathers in the faith!’” (Rorate Caeli)
Bishop Michael F. Olson, “Homily for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost” (Life on the Chrism Trail)
July 26
“The Growth of the Latin Mass: A Survey” (Crisis Magazine)
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, “It’s not just the numbers right now, it’s the rate of growth” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, “The Motu Proprio: Two Challenges” (One Foot in the Cloister)
Joseph Shaw, “Pope’s Latin Mass edict not only attacks Catholics, but harms interreligious dialogue” (LifeSite News)
Edward Feser, “Pope Francis’s scarlet letter” (Catholic World Report)
Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, “Liturgy is not a toy of popes; it is the heritage of the Church” (Rorate Caeli)
Fr. Michael P. Orsi, “Danger on the Catholic Right and Left for Pope Francis” (Wall Street Journal)
July 27
Regis Martin, “What Really Matters” (Crisis Magazine)
Jonathan Culbreath, “I love Latin Mass and Pope Francis. Please don’t let a few (very loud) traditionalists ruin it for the rest of us” (America)
John Daniel Davidson, “The Latin Mass Is the Future of the Catholic Church” (The Federalist)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “Vacatio Legis” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment)
Joseph Shaw, “‘Latin Mass Hysteria’? A reply to a hysterical Jesuit-sponsored piece” (Rorate Caeli)
Father de Tanoüarn, IBP: “It is Francis who contradicts communion. We are witnessing a rare case where the pope destroys communion” (Rorate Caeli)
Guest Post: “The Latin Mass Saved My Life” (Unam Sanctam Catholicam)
Gregory DiPippo, “Polish Bishops’ Conference Website Unpersons the TLM” (New Liturgical Movement)
Ross Douthat, “The Ungovernable Catholic Church” (New York Times)
Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., “‘Traditionis Custodes,’ ‘Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus,’ and the Limits of Papal Authority” (Catholicism.org) [Makes an excellent argument that the motu proprio's argument implies that the lex orandi prior to Vatican II contains the seeds of schism.]
July 28
Cristiana de Magistris, “Traditionis Custodes: an act of weakness” (Voice of the Family) [a fine article with some good quotations from Gamber, Bouyer, Calmel]
John A. Monaco, “Was the Sacred Liturgy made for the pope, or the pope for the Sacred Liturgy?” (Catholic World Report) [We need more analyses like this, where the question is raised of the papacy’s actual role vis-à-vis the worship of the Church]
Peter A. Kwasniewski, “It’s Time to Imitate Our Forefathers: Never Give Up!” (OnePeterFive)
As always, the inclusion of an article here does not mean we endorse its thesis (if it has one), its conclusions, the website where it appears, or really anything about it. For earlier roundups, see here and here.
July 19
Michael Dunnigan, “Traditionis custodes and the raw data on the Latin Mass” (Catholic World Report)
July 21
Michael Brendan Dougherty, “Pope Francis Takes Aim at the Latin Mass—and His Own Faithful” (National Review)
July 22
Matthew Walther, “Pope Francis, the Latin Mass and My Family” (The Wall Street Journal)
Amy Wellborn, “Rigeo, riges, rigere…” (Catholic World Report)
Daniel McGlone, “In defence of the Traditional Latin Mass” (The Tablet) [A beautiful and moving article that points up the heartlessness of the opponents of the TLM]
July 23
Rita Ferrone, “A Living Catholic Tradition” (Commonweal) [A papal cheerleader manages in a short space to celebrate nearly every error on which the industry of modern liturgical reform is founded; this is what a True Believer in the Great Leap Forward sounds like]
Alexandria Chiasson McCormick, “‘Smile for the Camera!’—In the Name of Unity, An Iron Fist” (OnePeterFive)
Fr. Davide Pagliarani, SSPX: “We offer all ‘the certitude that the Traditional Mass will never disappear from the face of the earth’” [Official statement] (Rorate Caeli)
Fr. Gero Weishaupt, “It is to be hoped that bishops will generously exhaust the legal possibilities of dispensation” (Rorate Caeli)
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, “TRADITION BETRAYED: Diane Montagna Interviews Bishop Schneider on Traditionis Custodes” (The Remnant; later republished at Rorate Caeli)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “Der Fuehrerbefehl” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment) [Brilliant, as ever]
Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, “The Motu Proprio: An Opportunity?” (One Foot in the Cloister)
Peter Feuerherd, “The Latin Mass took off in this North Carolina diocese. What will happen under Pope Francis’ new restrictions?” (America)
Notkerus Balbulus, “Mysterium Mysteriorum: How the Ambrosian Rite Survived Charlemagne” (Canticum Salomonis)
July 24
Jean-Pierre Maugendre, “Francis: The Pope of Rupture” (Rorate Caeli)
Gregory DiPippo, “An Exhortation Against Discouragement, by My Father” (New Liturgical Movement)
Brian Jones, “Opinion: The real void” (Catholic World Report)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “S Pius V and Traditionis Custodes” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment) [A must-read, especially for clergy]
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, “‘Traditionis’: a picture is worth a thousand words. Wherein Fr. Z is deeply moved” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
John Lavenburg, “Documentarian and Latin Mass devotee says, ‘You can’t just squash it’” (Crux)
July 25
José Antonio Ureta, “The Faithful Are Fully Entitled to Defend Themselves Against Liturgical Aggression—Even When It Comes From the Pope” (The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property)
George Neumayer, “The Upside-Down Church” (The American Spectator)
Fr. Albert Marcello, “Sermon for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost: ‘We rightly mourn these attacks on our beloved Roman Rite’” (Rorate Caeli)
A Benedictine Monk, “Sermon for the Feast of St. James, 2021: ‘We will not abandon the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in the traditional form that we have received from our fathers in the faith!’” (Rorate Caeli)
Bishop Michael F. Olson, “Homily for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost” (Life on the Chrism Trail)
July 26
“The Growth of the Latin Mass: A Survey” (Crisis Magazine)
Fr. Zuhlsdorf, “It’s not just the numbers right now, it’s the rate of growth” (Fr. Z’s Blog)
Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, “The Motu Proprio: Two Challenges” (One Foot in the Cloister)
Joseph Shaw, “Pope’s Latin Mass edict not only attacks Catholics, but harms interreligious dialogue” (LifeSite News)
Edward Feser, “Pope Francis’s scarlet letter” (Catholic World Report)
Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, “Liturgy is not a toy of popes; it is the heritage of the Church” (Rorate Caeli)
Fr. Michael P. Orsi, “Danger on the Catholic Right and Left for Pope Francis” (Wall Street Journal)
July 27
Regis Martin, “What Really Matters” (Crisis Magazine)
Jonathan Culbreath, “I love Latin Mass and Pope Francis. Please don’t let a few (very loud) traditionalists ruin it for the rest of us” (America)
John Daniel Davidson, “The Latin Mass Is the Future of the Catholic Church” (The Federalist)
Fr. John Hunwicke, “Vacatio Legis” (Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment)
Joseph Shaw, “‘Latin Mass Hysteria’? A reply to a hysterical Jesuit-sponsored piece” (Rorate Caeli)
Father de Tanoüarn, IBP: “It is Francis who contradicts communion. We are witnessing a rare case where the pope destroys communion” (Rorate Caeli)
Guest Post: “The Latin Mass Saved My Life” (Unam Sanctam Catholicam)
Gregory DiPippo, “Polish Bishops’ Conference Website Unpersons the TLM” (New Liturgical Movement)
Ross Douthat, “The Ungovernable Catholic Church” (New York Times)
Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., “‘Traditionis Custodes,’ ‘Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus,’ and the Limits of Papal Authority” (Catholicism.org) [Makes an excellent argument that the motu proprio's argument implies that the lex orandi prior to Vatican II contains the seeds of schism.]
July 28
Cristiana de Magistris, “Traditionis Custodes: an act of weakness” (Voice of the Family) [a fine article with some good quotations from Gamber, Bouyer, Calmel]
John A. Monaco, “Was the Sacred Liturgy made for the pope, or the pope for the Sacred Liturgy?” (Catholic World Report) [We need more analyses like this, where the question is raised of the papacy’s actual role vis-à-vis the worship of the Church]
Peter A. Kwasniewski, “It’s Time to Imitate Our Forefathers: Never Give Up!” (OnePeterFive)
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The effect of reading too much about TradCust |