Sunday, May 30, 2021

Trinity Sunday 2021

Vidi Dóminum sedentem super solium excelsum et elevátum, et plena erat omnis terra majestáte ejus: * Et ea, quae sub ipso erant, replébant templum. V. Séraphim stabant super illud: sex alæ uni, et sex alæ álteri. R. Et ea, quæ sub ipso erant, replébant templum. (The first responsory at Matins of Trinity Sunday.)

The Most Holy Trinity; from an illuminated Gospel book for major feasts produced in the neighborhood of Konstanz, Germany, ca. 1475, now in the library of the Abbey of San Gallen in Switzerland. (St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 368;; CC BY-NC 4.0.)
R. I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the whole earth was full of His glory; * And His train filled the temple. V. Above it stood the Seraphim each one had six wings. R. And His train filled the temple.

A polyphonic setting for choir and orchestra by the Spanish composer Antonio Juanas (1755 ca. - after 1819), who worked as master of the cathedral of Alcalà de Henares and Mexico City.

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