It is worthy and just that the things of heaven and of earth should praise Thee, o God, who by Thy Spirit teachest us to reject the things of earth, and follow those of heaven, to restrain the proud flesh with fasts, to cleanse the heart with continual lamentations, not to be raised up in prosperity, or cast down in adversity, to hope for the promise of truth, to await the consolation of the Spirit, to keep watch for the coming of the Paraclete. From this, as we prepare ourselves, o Lord, for the joys of Thy promises, we ask that the power of Thy grace and the blessing of the Holy Spirit descend upon us; that being renewed and purified by Him, we may praise and magnify Him who ruleth in the equality of the Godhead with Thee and the Father, and thus say: Holy, Holy, Holy... (The Mozarabic Preface for the Mass of the Vigil of Pentecost.)
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The Most Holy Trinity, ca. 1480-90, by the Spanish painter Miguel Ximénez, flor. 1462-1502; public domain image from Wikimedia Commons. |
Dignum et justum est, ut te Deum et caelestia et terréna collaudent: Qui nos Spíritu tuo doces terréna respúere, caelestia sectári, carnem coercére jejuniis insolentem, corda purgáre contínua lamentatióne, non attolli in prósperis, non déjici in adversis, veritátis speráre promissum, Spíritus praestolári solacium, Parácliti sustinére adventum. Ex hoc, Dómine, tuórum praemissórum nos gaudiis praeparantes, rogámus ut descendat super nos gratiae tuae virtus, et benedictio Sancti Spíritus; quo innováti atque mundáti, eum tecum et cum Patre aequáli deitáte regnantem, laudémus, magnificémus, atque ita dicámus: Sanctus...