I haven’t forgotten about our final photoposts in the Holy Week series, for the Easter vigil and Easter Sunday, but at this point, I’m so far behind schedule that a few more days won’t make a difference. In the meantime, here are some nice pictures which we received of various Masses and processions on the Greater Litanies, which were celebrated this past Sunday. As always, we will be glad to publish more if people would like to share them: send them to photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org, remembering to include the name and location of the church, and any other pertinent information.
I encourage our readers to take a close look here, and notice that for the most part, those who are working to revive this most ancient and salutary part of our liturgical tradition are far too young to remember when it was removed from the liturgy of the post-Conciliar reform. Feliciter!
St Thomas Aquinas Parish – Charlotte, North Carolina
The liturgy and procession were offered by the pastor, Fr Matthew Codd, his first Rogation Mass, and possibly the first public Rogation Mass offered in Charlotte since the diocese was established in 1971. Photos courtesy of the Charlotte Latin Mass Community.
St Dominic’s Church and Shrine of the Holy Rosary – London, England
Monastère Saint Benoit – Brignoles, France