Saturday, March 20, 2021

Photopost Request: Passiontide Veils 2021

Our next photopost series will be of your churches with the Crosses, statues and paintings veiled for Passiontide; please send your pictures to for inclusion. Be sure to include the name and location of the church, and always feel free to add any other information you think important. (We will follow this up with photoposts of Palm Sunday and the other major ceremonies of Holy Week.)
This has consistently proved one of our most popular photopost series; in 2019, we received so many pictures that we wound up making three separate posts of them, with over 100 photographs from about 30 different churches around the world. As usual, here is a bit of retrospective.
From the first post, the church of St Mary Magdalene in Strigova, Croatia.
From the second post, the high altar of Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini in Rome, seen from one of the two “coretti - little choirs” on either side of the main sanctuary.
From the third post, an altarpiece with its wings closed at the Dominican parish of St Vincent Ferrer in New York City.

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