Friday, December 18, 2020

Gaudete Sunday and Rorate Mass Photopost 2020 (Part 3)

Last year was the first time we got up to four posts of your photos of Gaudete Sunday liturgies and Rorate Masses, and it is very heartening to see that despite all of the madness, we will do so once again this year as well. This means that there is still plenty of time to send in more to; don’t forget to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important. We will also be glad to include images of other recent celebrations such as the Immaculate Conpeption. As always our thanks to everyone who who sent these in. Our next set of photoposts will be for Christmas and its octave; a reminder will be posted during the coming week. Evangelize through beauty!

Our Lady of Perpetual Help – Cottage Grove, Oregon
Nossa Senhora da Conceição – Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrated by Dom José Airton dos Santos, Archbishop of Mariana, MG, and concelebrated by Dom Francisco Barroso, bishop emeritus of Oliveira, MG, and a native of Ouro Preto.
Our Lady and St John Catholic Church – Louisville, Kentucky
Rorate Mass in the Ordinariate Rite
Cathedral of St Joseph – Manchester, New Hampshire
St Mary of the Annunciation – Loughborough, England (Rosminian Fathers)
Church of St Matthew – Flint, Michigan
Our Lady of Lourdes – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rorate Mass
Gaudete Sunday
St Paul – Akron, Ohio

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