Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Corpus Christi Photopost 2020 (Part 1)

Despite the lockdowns and restrictions, we had just enough nice photos to be worth making two posts out of them. We are especially pleased to share some photos of the first Mass celebrated in the traditional rite by His Excellency Joseph Strickland, bishop of Tyler, Texas, and some work by one of our favorite photographers, Allison Girone.

We’ll be very glad to include any late submissions in the next post; you can send your photos of Corpus Christi liturgies and other recent events to; don’t forget to include the name and location of the church.

Damenstiftkirche – Munich, Germany (FSSP)
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – Tyler, Texas
Prelatitial Mass celebrated by His Excellency Joseph Strickland, Bishop of Tyler
St Mary – Conshohocken, Pennsylvnia (FSSP)
Courtesy of Mrs Allison Girone
Tradition will always be for the young!
Epiphany of Our Lord Parish – St Louis, Missouri
All Saints – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mass of the Second Sunday after Pentecost
St Mary, Star of the Sea – Jackson, Michigan

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