Beginning May 13, Mr Louis Tofari of Romanitas Press will host a 12-week curriculum of live webinars for priests seeking to improve their knowledge and celebration of the traditional Latin Mass. Each of the twelve weekly sessions will consist of three 40-minute lessons (thus two hours per week), with approximately 20-minute breaks between lessons. Topics to be covered include the various liturgical books of the Roman Rite, the historical development of the Missale Romanum and a section-by-section examination of its contents, the different tones of voice prescribed by the rubrics, the proper positioning of the hands at various parts of the Mass, and the layout and appointments of the church building. Priests may subscribe to individual sessions (to be presented every Wednesday from May 13 to July 29) or, ideally, to the entire curriculum. These webinars are intended for priests, but seminarians, too, may subscribe. Lessons will be recorded for the sake of participants who may be called away or unable to “tune in” live. For detailed information and to register, click HERE.
I encourage all priests to avail themselves of this opportunity, even those who may be inclined to think they don’t need it because they’ve already attended a training seminar such as Sancta Missa, or have seen an FSSP or SSPX training video, or have been saying the traditional Mass for years now. The more knowledge, experience, and confidence priests accumulate, the more they tend to rely on their quick “already know the answer” instincts. Too many are making mistakes big and small, as I have, because “they don’t know what they don’t know.” After more than a decade of offering and assisting at the more ancient form of Mass, its inexhaustible riches offer me surprises.
I encourage all priests to avail themselves of this opportunity, even those who may be inclined to think they don’t need it because they’ve already attended a training seminar such as Sancta Missa, or have seen an FSSP or SSPX training video, or have been saying the traditional Mass for years now. The more knowledge, experience, and confidence priests accumulate, the more they tend to rely on their quick “already know the answer” instincts. Too many are making mistakes big and small, as I have, because “they don’t know what they don’t know.” After more than a decade of offering and assisting at the more ancient form of Mass, its inexhaustible riches offer me surprises.