The Carmelite of Dijon, St Élisabeth of the Trinity, was a truly remarkable soul, with great spiritual treasures to offer, especially to musicians and those devoted in a particular way to the promotion of the sacred liturgy. Her desire to become the laus gloriæ of God seems to perfectly encapsulate the goal every Christian ought have, especially when entering into the worship of God.
In the latest episode of Square Notes, Dr Anthony Lilles draws out those elements of St Élisabeth’s personality and writings that make her particularly sympathetic to the artistic soul. We discuss how she provides insights into the profound consolation offered by the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity in every soul in the state of grace. I’d heartily recommend her writings to anyone looking to deepen their prayer lives, and draw the readers’ attentions specifically to the “retreat” writings she created for her sister, a busy married woman with children. They are a set of twenty meditations, two per day for ten days. Dr. Lilles has produced a series specifically on this retreat, which I also strongly recommend.

And speaking of things Carmelite, I’ll be giving an intro to chant workshop, sponsored by the Carmelite community in Troy, New York, a community featured last year on Ascension on the NLM for a stational procession according to the ancient Carmelite rite.
Thw workshop will be held on Saturday, March 14th, and run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., including talks and rehearsal, culminating in singing for the 4:00 p.m. Mass. The workshop and Mass will be at Holy Trinity parish in Cohoes, New York, which is just up the river a bit from Albany and Troy. Registration is available here.
Thw workshop will be held on Saturday, March 14th, and run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., including talks and rehearsal, culminating in singing for the 4:00 p.m. Mass. The workshop and Mass will be at Holy Trinity parish in Cohoes, New York, which is just up the river a bit from Albany and Troy. Registration is available here.