This volume, originally published by the Order of Preachers in 1953, contains the music for the Passions according to Mathew and John sung on Palm Sunday and Good Friday respectively, with the minor changes necessary to make the texts conform to the norms of 1962. In addition, it includes, newly set to music, the Passions according to Mark and Luke, traditionally sung on the Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week, but now sung in a three-year cycle with that of Matthew on Palm Sunday.
As the texts of the four Passsions as used in 1962 are the same as those of the current Roman Rite, this book may also be used by friars (and others) celebrating the New Mass in Latin and wanting to sing the chants according to the traditional Dominican music. The cover and a sample age of this volume are given above. Those interested can read more about this volume and order it here. Those planning to use this volume liturgically should order three copies so that the singers of the narrator and “turba” each have their own copies, along with the one singing the part of “Christus.”