We have almost twice as many submissions for this post as we did last year; this one will also include a celebration of Vespers on Spy Wednesday, and the next one, some examples from the Byzantine Rite. We also have videos of the complete services from the mighty Schola Sainte-Cécile, who sang the famous Miserere of Gregorio Allegri at Tenebrae of Holy Saturday, and from the Birmingham Oratory, featuring the responsories of Holy Thursday by Marcantonio Ingegneri. Once again, we heartily thank everyone who contributed!
Holy Innocents - New York City
St Gianna Oratory - Tucson, Arizona (ICK)
A particularly awesome hearse!
Oratory of St Philip Neri - Birmingham, England
St Eugène - Paris, France
Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday
St Mary - Providence, Rhode Island (FSSP)

Cathedral of St Eugene - Santa Rosa, California
OF Vespers on Spy Wednesday, celebrated by H.E. Robert Vasa, Bishop of Santa Rosa
Holy Martyrs Catholic Church - Murietta, California
Sung by the Brothers of the Little Oratory