My tribulation is near, o Lord, and there is none to help me, that they pierce my hands and my feet; save me from the lion’s mouth!
* That I may declare thy name to my brethren.
V. O God, deliver my soul from the sword, and my only one from the power of the dog.
That I may declare thy Name unto my brethren.
My tribulation is near... (
The sixth responsory at Matins of Passion Sunday.)
Crucifix by Cimabue, 1267-71, from the church of St Dominic in Arezzo, Italy |
R. In próximo est tribulatio mea, Dómine, et non est qui ádjuvet; ut fodiant manus meas et pedes meos: líbera me de ore leónis,
* ut enarrem nomen tuum frátribus meis.
Erue a frámea, Deus, ánimam meam, et de manu canis únicam meam.
Ut enarrem.
In proximo.