Tuesday, February 12, 2019

2019 BC Sacred Music Symposium

The organizers of the B.C. Sacred Music Symposium are pleased to announce that the 2019 Symposium will take place this summer from August 2-4, at Saints Joachim and Ann Parish in Langley, British Columbia. Early registration is now open through March 3.

This will be a weekend for musicians of all skill levels, and all people of good will with a general interest in sacred music, to gather for instruction, collaboration and fellowship. There will be an opportunity to attend choral workshops (beginner, intermediate, advanced, professional, and new this year, chant intensive) and lectures; and to experience the riches of the Church’s musical tradition in the celebrations of Mass and the Divine Office. The keynote speaker and celebrant of the symposium’s principal Mass will be Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, Executive Director of ICEL. For more information, or to register please visit the website: bcsacredmusicsymposium.com

The BC Sacred Music Symposium is an annual gathering of the Catholic faithful, and all those of good will, with an interest in sacred music, especially Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony. Its purpose is to promote the sacred music and liturgy of the western tradition celebrated according to the norms established by Holy Mother Church. Since “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows. (SC 10)”, the worthy celebration of the liturgy is the single greatest act that the Church can perform for the glorification of God and the salvation of souls. Among the many treasures with which the Church adorns the sacred liturgy, we believe that sacred music holds a unique place, and that the Church’s musical patrimony, especially Gregorian chant, should be available in every parish. To this end, this annual gathering is held for the formation, education, and training of sacred musicians, through workshops, lectures, fellowship and the celebration of Holy Mass and the Divine Office.

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