Our last photopost for the Twelve Days of Christmas completes the round of Epiphany blessings with two of gold, frankincense and myrrh, one in the Philippines, and one at the FSSP’s new apostolate in my native city, Providence, Rhode Island. As always, we are grateful to everybody who took the time to send these photos in; the next photopost will be for the very end of the Christmas season on Candlemass. Evangelize through beauty!

St Peter’s Church - Volo, Illinois (Canons Regalar of St John Cantius)
Blessing of water
blessing of the church door
veneration of the statue of Baby Jesus after the Spanish-language Mass
Mater Ecclesiae - Berlin, New Jersey
blessing of chalk
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart - Cebu City, Philippine Islands
St Mary’s - Providence, Rhode Island (FSSP)
blessing of water
proclamation of the movable feasts
St Margaret Mary - Oakland, California (ICKSP)
Immaculate Heart of Mary - Belmont, California (ICKSP)
Epiphany Byzantine Catholic Church - Roswell, Georgia
The Divine Liturgy of St Basil on the morning of Theophany, with the Great Blessing of the Water, followed by a procession around the outside of the Church. The procession is done for the parish’s patronal feast day; at each corner of the church building, a brief Gospel passage was read to symbolize the duty of the parishoners to go out and preach the Gospel.