Our thanks to everyone who sent in these photos of their Epiphany liturgies; we will definitely be doing a second photopost for the feast, so there is time to send in yours if you haven’t already done so. (photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org) Once again, we manage to cover most of the feast’s many liturgical bases, especially the blessing of water, which is becoming more popular with each passing year, the blessing of chalk, and the proclamation of the movable feasts. Evangelize through Beauty!

Church of the Rosary - São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Mass in the Ordinary Form, followed by a procession with the image of the Child Jesus, Te Deum, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Pontifical Shrine of Our Lady of Mt Carmel - New York City
blessing of Water
blessing of chalk
veneration of a relic of the Holy Crib
St Agnes - New York City
St Mary’s Parish - Kalamazoo, Michigan
Tradition will always be for the young!
blessing of water
St Mary’s Oratory -Wausau, Wisconsin (ICKSP)
blessing of water on the vigil
Proclamation of the movable feasts
Holy Family - Columbus, Ohio
Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory - San Jose, California (ICKSP)
Courtesy of the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco
A few years ago, there was a bit of a mishap with the blessing of the waters; so many people brought bottles to be blessed that the table they were on buckled...
and the bottles had to be moved to the altar rail: an encouraging sign of the increasing popularity of this custom.

Church of the Rosary - São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil