Sunday, December 23, 2018

Christmas 2018 Photopost Request

Our next major photopost will be for the liturgies of Christmas, whether in the OF or the EF, or any of the Eastern Rites, Ordinariate Use, etc.; as always, we will also be very glad to include other liturgical ceremonies, such as Prime on Christmas Eve, Vespers, the vigil Masses, and any liturgies celebrated during the Octave. Please send your pictures to, and don’t forget to include the name of the church and its location, and any other information which you think worth noting. Evangelize through beauty!

From last year’s first Christmas photopost, the church of St Anthony of Padua in Jersey City, New Jersey 
From the second post, the Gospel book at St Peter Eastern Catholic Church in Ukiah, California 
From the third post, Mass of the patronal feast day at Holy Innocents in New York City

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