Today is the EF feast day of St Jean-Marie Vianney, generally known as the Curé d’Ars, the Patron Saint of parish priests. He died in 1859 on August 4th, the feast of St Dominic; when he was canonized in 1925, his feast was assigned to August 9th, then moved back a day in 1960. In the post-Conciliar reform, he and St Dominic switched places, and he is kept on the 4th.
Our thanks once agan to Fr Adrian Hilton of the Cincinnati Oratory for sending us these photos of relics of the Curé d’Ars from his private collection; we have previously shown his relics of Ss Camillus de Lellis, Charles Borromeo and Pius X.
Our thanks once agan to Fr Adrian Hilton of the Cincinnati Oratory for sending us these photos of relics of the Curé d’Ars from his private collection; we have previously shown his relics of Ss Camillus de Lellis, Charles Borromeo and Pius X.
A piece of one of his shirts.
A piece of a surplice.
Some of the fabric and straw from his bed.
A piece of the oven of the local orphanage “La Providence”; one day, when the flour supply had run too low to provide bread for the orphans, it was miraculous multiplied by the prayers of the Curé d’Ars.
The heel of one of his shoes.
Labels for the relics of the autograph and the heel.

A paving stone from his bedroom in the rectory at Ars.