Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas 2016 Photopost - Part 1

As has been the case for the last couple of years, we have received a very large number of photographs of Christmas liturgies, and so we will be doing at least one other photopost of them, possibly more. We will also be doing one for Epiphany; a reminder will be posted next week. In the meantime, we will be very glad to receive any photos of liturgies celebrated during the Octave of Christmas, the singing of the Te Deum on New Year’s Eve etc. Thanks to all those who have sent them in, and a blessed New Year to all our readers.

St Peter’s Eastern Catholic Church - Ukiah, California
Matins and Divine Liturgy of Christmas; a Baptism celebrated on the vigil is seen in the last two photos. In the Byzantine Rite, Christmas is one of the occasions on which Baptisms are traditionally celebrated, as witnessed by the fact that the Trisagion chant is replaced by the words “All ye that have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ, alleluia!”, one of a handful of days on which this is done.

Cathedral of St Eugene - Santa Rosa, California

Shrine of Ss Peter, Paul, and Philomena (the “Dome of Home”) - New Brighton, England (ICK)

St Adalbert - Chicago, Illinois

Christ the King - Sarasota, Florida (FSSP)

St Anthony - Des Moines, Iowa

St Marys - Norwalk, Connecticut
Photos by Stuart Chessman from from the website of the Society of St Hugh of Cluny; click here to see the full set.

The Proclamation of the Calendae before Mass

St Joan of Arc - Oberlin, Louisiana

St. Mary’s Dominican Church - The Claddagh, Galway City, Ireland

Incarnation Catholic Church - Orlando, Florida (Ordinariate Use)

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