Earlier today, His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych and leader of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, celebrated a hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the high altar of the Roman basilica of St Mary Major. Several other bishops of the UGCC and a very large number of priests concelebrated; the liturgy was sung by the choir of the Ukrainian College of St Josaphat, and the central nave of the church was packed with the faithful.
The sermon was given in Ukrainian, but at the end of the ceremony, His Beatitude briefly addressed in Italian those who might happen to be present as pilgrims in the basilica, which is of course a focal point of the Jubilee celebrations and devotions in Rome. He spoke of the persecutions which the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church has undergone over the years, and how “the voice of the Evil One” (la voce del maligno) tried 70 years ago to force the Church which he leads to renounce its fidelity to See of Peter. He then stated that the same voice now seeks to convince them to become Orthodox or join the Patriarchate of Moscow “so as not to be an obstacle.” The celebration of the Divine Liturgy in a Pontifical Basilica in Rome, therefore, is a concrete sign of the continuing fidelity of the UGCC to the See of Peter. He then led the entire assembly in singing a prayer for peace in the Ukraine, to which we unite our own fervent prayers.
During the Trisagion |
During the Prokimen (the chant before the Epistle) |
Incensation of the congregation during the Alleluia |
The chanting of the Gospel |
The sermon |
During the Creed, the concelebrating bishops wave the chalice veil over the chalice and diskos (paten). At a hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the principal celebrant places his head under the veil. |
At the Preface Dialog. |
After the Consecration, the deacon elevates the diskos and chalice. |
During the final prayer (the ambon prayer) |
His Beatitude addresses the clergy and faithful after the liturgy. |