Editorial assistant Ben Yanke writes: A few weeks ago, I was blessed to be united in the Sacrament of Matrimony to my amazing wife. Not only that, but we were also doubly blessed by Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison being the celebrant at our Pontifical Nuptial Mass at the Throne, and witness our vows. I hope some of the pictures of the Nuptial Rite and Mass are edifying for readers! More of them can be found
here. The music was as follows:
Messa da Cappella a quattro voci, 1641 (Monteverdi)
Deus Israel (Votive Mass
Pro Sponsis)
Procession: O God Beyond All Praising (Tʜᴀxᴛᴇᴅ, arranged by Richard Proulx)
After Last Gospel: Alma Redemptoris Mater (sung by all)
Recession: How Shall I Sing that Majesty (Cᴏᴇ Fᴇɴ, arranged by Michael Mills)
Wedding procession with
the entrance of the bishop |
The bishop receives our vows as the MC holds the ritual book. |
Nuptial blessing following the reception of vows |
The sacred ministers bowing for the confiteor during the prayers
at the foot of the altar |
The bishop, reading the introit and kyrie at the throne |
Epistle chanted by the Subdeacon |
The bishop, being approached by the deacon, about to give
him a blessing for the proclamation of the gospel |
The gospel, chanted by the deacon |
Homily delivered by Fr. Eric Bergman,
of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter |
Sacred ministers going to the altar for the offertory |
Bishop praying at the offertory |
Incensation of the altar at the offertory |
Incensation of the seminarians in choro |
Two cantors chanting the communion antiphon |
Improvising at communion |
The assistant priest distributing communion to the faithful |
Final Pontifical blessing |