Artist residents receive two to four months of free housing at the Sheen Center, a partially or fully subsidized work space, depending on artist medium and space availability, plus free invitations and tickets to Sheen Center events when available. There will be at least one showcase of the artist’s work at the Sheen Center, depending on his or her medium and stated goals. The residency does not include board, travel expenses, or a stipend.
Cole writes, “The purpose of the residency is to support the development of Catholic artists, as well as to further the Sheen Center’s mission of exploring the true, the good, and the beautiful. The residency should culminate in a final public project suitable to the artist’s medium and goals, and the artist should expect to contribute to the life of the Sheen Center during his or her residency.” Catholic artists of all disciplines are invited to apply. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis, with a limit of 3 artists-in-residence at one time.
Those interested should apply by email only to Cole Matson at submissions@sheencenter.org. Applicants will be asked to supply a covering letter (no more than two pages) and a statement of intent; the latter should include the number of months requested, how you envision using your time at the Sheen Center, and how this residency will further your artistic goals. He asks that you include in this discussion of the Sheen Center mission, how your faith informs your work, and what benefit this period in New York City would have on your work as an artist right now. In addition, you will be asked to supply one to three short samples of your work, or photographs of your work.
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