Thursday, September 17, 2015

Vatican issues new Ordo Cantus Officii

The Vatican has just issued a newly published Ordo Cantus Officii. This replaces the edition from 1983 with an updated ordo which includes the newly-promulgated Antiphons which were announced in 2008. The Ordo Cantus Officii contains the ordo for the Office of Readings, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline along with Scriptural references. It is cross-referenced to the Antiphonale Romanum, the Liber Hymnarius and the Corpus Antiphonalium Officii giving easy access to the Gregorian settings of the Antiphons.

The book is divided into the following sections :

I. Proprium de Tempore
i) Tempus Adventus
ii) Tempus Nativitatis
iii) Tempus Quadragesimæ
iv) Tempus Paschale
v) Tempus per annum
a) In Dominicis
b) In Sollemnitatibus Domini

II. Psalterium per Quattuor Hebdomadas distributum
i) Hebdomada I
ii) Hebdomada II
iii) Hebdomada III
iv) Hebdomada IV
v) Ad Completorium
vi) Psalmodia complementaris

III. Proprium de Sanctis

IV. Communia

V. Officium Defunctorum

VI. Appendix

VII. Indices

The book, 396 pages, is available now from the Vatican Bookshop priced 40 €.
ISBN 978-88-209-9593-5

Here are some images of the opening pages:

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