From the central Province of the Dominican Friars come these photos of the recent ordination of three priests, and the first Masses of two of them, Fr James Dominic Rooney and Fr Raymond-Marie Stephen Bryce. (Nice to see that taking names in religion is coming back!) Fr Rooney has hitherto enjoyed faculties also serve as deacon in the Byzantine Rite from Bishop John Kudrick of the Eparchy of Parma, and now that he has been ordained, has applied to Rome for faculties to celebrate the Byzantine Rite as a priest. While waiting for those faculties, he celebrated a Divine Liturgy in thanksgiving with Bishop Kudrick’s permission at the
St Louis Byzantine Catholic Mission. It is of course ordination season, and I am sure we will receive many other photo submissions, which we are always happy to get. On this feast of Corpus Christi, please pray for all the men who are about to be ordained as Catholic priests, and that God may send us many more of them! (Photos of the
ordinations and
first Masses courtesy of the Dominican
Province of St Albert the Great; photos of the Divine Liturgy by Mr Robert Hertenstein.)
Fr Rooney blesses his new vestments, presents from his family, before his first Mass on the feast of the Ascension, at the house chapel of the St Dominic Priory in St Louis. |
Fr Bryce’s first Mass at St Margaret of Scotland parish, also on the feast of the Ascension. |