From The Badger Catholic comes the following news about Adoremus: Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy, which had suspended publication of the Adoremus Bulletin after the death of long-time editor Helen Hull Hitchcock. After some uncertainly about the future of the Bulletin, a new issue has just come out, in which (inter alia) the announcement is made that Christopher Carstens, director of the Office of Sacred Worship for the Diocese of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and a faculty member of the Liturgical Institute at Mundelein Seminary, has taken over as the new editor. The publication will henceforth be based in LaCrosse; Mr Carstens writes in the recent issue about the futures plans, including a great expansion into social media. Our best wishes to him and all those involved with the publication of the Adoremus Bulletin, as they continue Mrs Hitchcock’s valuable legacy.