The celebrated day has come, on which the holy bishop Augustine, released from the bond of the flesh, was taken up with the Angels; where he rejoices with the Prophets, is made glad with the Apostles; full of their spirit, he made clear to us what they mystically foretold; after them he shone forth as first in the grace that came after, to dispense the word of God. (
The antiphon of the Magnificat
at First Vespers, from the proper Office of St Augustine sung by the various orders of the Augustinian tradition.)
The Triumph of Saint Augustine, by Claudio Coello (1642-93), 1664; Museo del Prado, Madrid |
Aña Adest dies célebris, quo solútus nexu carnis sanctus praesul Augustínus, assumptus est cum Angelis, ubi gaudet cum Prophétis, laetátur cum Apóstolis; quorum plenus spíritu, quae prædixérunt mýstica, fecit nobis pervia; post quos secunda dispensandi verbi Dei primus refulsit gratia.
From the same Office, the ninth responsory, as sung by the Dominicans :
R. Until the very time of his illness, he preached the word of God in the holy Church without ceasing, eagerly and mightily, being of sound mind and sound council; healthy in all the members of his body, his sight and hearing unimpaired.
* Before his brothers, as they knelt and prayed,
* he fell asleep with his fathers.
V. He made no will, for as one of Christ’s poor, he had nothing to will.
Before his brothers, as they knelt and prayed.
Glory be unto the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
He fell asleep with his fathers.
The Funeral of Saint Augustine, by Benozzo Gozzoli (ca. 1420-1497), in the Church of Saint Augustine, San Gimignano, Tuscany, 1464-65. |
R. Verbum Dei, usque ad ipsam suam aegritúdinem, impraetermisse, alácriter et fórtiter, sana mente sanóque consilio in Ecclesia praedicávit. Membris ómnibus sui córporis incólumis, íntegro aspectu atque audítu,
* coram pósitis frátribus et orántibus,
* dormívit cum pátribus suis.
V. Testamentum nullum fecit, quia unde fáceret pauper Christi non hábuit.
Gloria Patri.