eaders living in New England may want to know that a
Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated at historic
St Anne's Church in Fall River, Massachusetts, on Sunday,
October 20 at 6:30 PM (Mass of the 22nd Sunday After Pentecost). The choral music and chants will be sung by the Northern Rhode Island Schola Sanctæ Ceciliæ, and seminarians from St John's Seminary in Boston will serve. Dedicated in 1906, the Romanesque church stands at the corner of South Main and Middle Streets. Brother (now Saint) André Bessette of Montreal occasionally worshiped here when in town visiting relatives and benefactors. The magnificent Casavant organ, installed in 1963, greatly enhances the grandeur of the liturgical celebrations.
Also at St Anne's, in the lower church, on Friday, October 18, the renowned liturgical scholar Dom Alcuin Reid will give a talk on maintaining a healthy spiritual diet by mining the riches of the Sacred Liturgy. Vespers for the Feast of St Luke will immediately follow.