The blessing of sacred vessels and ornaments begins with the versicles “Our help is in the name of the Lord.” and “The Lord be with you,” followed by these two prayers.
In the revision of 1961, the first of the two prayers is suppressed. The blessing is otherwise unchanged.
Let us pray. Hear our prayers, o Lord, most clement Father, et deign Thou to purify, bless + and sancti+fy these vessels and ornaments that have been prepared for the use at the sacred altar and the sacred ministry of Thy Church. Through Christ, Our Lord. R. Amen.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, by Whom all unclean things are purified, and in whom all things that are purified become bright, we humbly invoke Thy omnipotence, that every unclean spirit may be confounded and depart far from these vessels and ornaments, which Thy servants offer to Thee, and through Thy bless+ing remain sanctified for the use and ministry of the holy altar, and of Thy Church. Through Christ, Our Lord. R. Amen.The bishop then sprinkles the blessed objects with holy water.
In the revision of 1961, the first of the two prayers is suppressed. The blessing is otherwise unchanged.