Fr. Robert Tatman, administrator of the Quasi-Parish of Ave Maria Oratory, celebrated a High Mass for Palm Sunday in the usus antiquior. The propers and ordinary were sung by the combined Scholae of Ave Maria University, directed by Dr. Susan Treacy, professor of music at the university. Approximately 250 people attended the Mass and procession.
The students of Ave Maria University are blessed to have three Masses in the Extraordinary Form per week: Tuesday and Thursday mornings, as well as Sundays. There are several Sung Masses per month, chanted by the men’s or women’s schola. In addition to weekly Masses, the Ave Maria music department sponsors an annual Solemn High Requiem Mass. This past year, the AMU Chamber Choir sang Mozart’s Requiem. There are currently efforts to increase the number of Masses celebrated in the usus antiquior at the Oratory.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Palm Sunday, Ave Maria University
Shawn Tribe
Our final Palm Sunday considerations come from Ave Maria University where they celebrated a Missa Cantata. Here are a few photos from the event.