Guest article by Jeff Ostrowski
It bears repeating that the Roman Rite has such a long and complicated (yet truly marvelous) history that writing about it in a succinct way is no easy task. One tries to make generalizations, since that is how we learn, but the temptation to mention various "exceptions to the rule" can be considerable. We speak of the "Mass in Latin," but we also know that the Kyrie Eleyson and Good Friday Trisagion are in Greek. We speak of the "Ordinary of the Mass," yet realize that the Credo and Gloria are often not said. We teach our students that the Agnus Dei has "miserere nobis" twice and "dona nobis pacem" the third time, but we also realize that in certain locations (e.g. the Lateran Basilica) "miserere nobis" is said thrice, and the prayer is totally altered in Masses for the dead. As one might imagine, this "complex nature" of the Roman Rite has repercussions for the creation process of an Extraordinary Form pew book, and these represent only a small percentage of the choices which must be decided by the editor of such a book. Toward the end of this article (the fifth in a series of six), entitled "The Solemn & Low Mass in Pictures," I will briefly enumerate a few of the "guiding principles" to which we attempted to adhere in our production process.
The website for the St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal for the Traditional Latin Mass may be of use, so here is the URL address:
The 992-page hardcover books will begin shipping on 30 January 2013, and perhaps one of the first things noticed will be the 120-page full color section. Those who have downloaded the desktop images released last summer already realize that 100+ photographs of the Extraordinary Form appear in the Campion Missal, all of them taken in beautiful European churches. More than 1,000 total pictures were taken with the kind assistance of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP), and here are a few samples:
* Low Mass : Confiteor
* Low Mass : Credo
* Low Mass : Libera Nos
* Solemn Mass : Introit
* Solemn Mass : Credo
* Solemn Mass : Offerimus
* Solemn Mass : Subdeacon
Below is a sample spread (Solemn Mass) from the 120-page full color section of the book:
To see how these spreads integrate with the special decorated letters by graphic artist James Ridley, please view Article 3.
Since the above image does not show the level of detail in a satisfactory manner, here is a closer view:
All the sacred vestments pictured in the Campion Missal were more than 200 years old. As you can see by this sample, the vestments come through clearly, and the artwork in our book is actually based on the designs and colors of the vestments. Readers might be interested to know that the Solemn Mass vestments at one time belonged to the Very Rev. Fr. Josef Bisig.
Below is another sample spread (Solemn Mass):
To see how these pages integrate with the Gregorian Kyriale and Mass Propers, please view Article 2.
Since the above photo does not adequately show the level of detail, here is a closer view:
The Campion Missal is the very first missal ever printed to include two (2) complete & different sections — one for Solemn Mass, one for Low Mass — to avoid confusing layouts resembling this one by Fr. Lasance. Here is a sample spread from the Low Mass section:
To see how these pages integrate with ancient manuscripts of the Mass, please view Article 4.
The reader will doubtless notice that a distinct artistic style and color scheme were chosen for the Low Mass section, including somewhat "simpler" (though still elegant) illuminated capitals. To allow the reader to see more clearly the level of detail, below is a closer view:
The Campion book has beautiful congregational hymns, treated in Article 1. In certain places, vernacular hymns are used quite frequently at Low Mass.
Here is another sample spread (Low Mass):
To get an example of the level of detail in the Low Mass, please click here [image].
We had three overriding objectives: 1.) to "enshrine" the Mass prayers [careful typesetting and large print]; 2.) to make it as easy as possible to follow the Mass [by thoughtful use of illustrations, Drop Caps, color schemes, and so forth]; and 3.) to produce something beautiful for the Lord [something St. Edmund Campion would have encouraged]. We strove to keep the Mass Ordinaries as clean as possible. Several months were spent meticulously planning each spread, each "shot," each illustration, and making sure none of the prayers were "broken" (i.e. requiring a page turn). We used rather large fonts, for the sake of those with bad eye sight, while at the same time keeping page turns to a minimum, as too many page turns would be distracting. The paper we chose for the color section is a super high quality "matte stock" which avoids any "shine" (gloss) that would make reading difficult in poor lighting.
It was necessary to research all kinds of different Mass Ordinary layouts, diligently taking note of the advantages and disadvantages of each. Needless to say, we studied primarily those of the Extraordinary Form (published over the last 170 years). We also looked at a sizable number of old Altar Missals, even though our book was intended for the congregation. The following two layouts are included for the reader's enjoyment, as they are interesting from a historical perspective. For instance, the 1964 "Entrance Rites" (?) were unfamiliar to me:
* 1964 • People's Mass Book (WLP)
* 1966 • New St. Joseph Sunday Missal & Hymnal
We invite those who purchase the Campion Missal & Hymnal to bring to our attention any suggestions for potential improvements, which can be implemented in future editions.
As an addendum, more spreads for Solemn & Low Mass can be seen in this brief video:
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4