This manual covers all the rubrics for Low Mass, Missa Cantata, and Solemn Mass according to the Dominican Rite. Also covered are the Dominican rite for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Dominican liturgical practices generally. The rubrics for priest, deacon, and subdeacon in the Solemn Mass are exhaustively explained and then laid out on a synoptic table. The book includes 12 photographic plates showing the ministers at various points in the liturgy.
This book is essential, not only for the major ministers at Dominican Rite Mass, but also for masters of ceremony, liturgy coordinators, and others involved in celebrations of the Dominican Rite Mass. The roles of the acolytes, thurifer, and crucifer are also covered briefly, but for their functions this volume should be supplemented by the companion Dominican Altar Boys’ Manual.
I am sure that this item will interest not only Dominican priests and brothers, but also anyone interested in the Dominican Rite. It is published in hardback using very clean scans of an original copy.